This is the End


I can not believe it's all over. A painless tech, a suitably dreary dress, four scintillating performances, one all-nighter of a party and the quickest and most efficient get out I've ever seen. And then, that was it. Gone from our lives.

But what a memory! I'm so proud to have been involved with all of you, with such a magnificent production - at times while I was watching I was truly impressed by what we'd done, this was a first-rate show with, as one viewer put it, "moments of pure genius". Be proud.

Some final reflections:
BIIIIIIIIIIG BOOTY, Jog on, contrast, Briz warning ('bris' is actually the circumcision ceremony in Judaism, so I've got a T-shirt that's very frightening to Jewish boys), hasn't Sue got a great singing voice? how many pizzas can one cast not consume in an evening? join the campaign to get DJ Duffy his own slot at Joe Publics, when shall we 18 meet again? ...



Roodle Roo said...

Just to say to cast and crew, thank you so much for all your hard work, support, fun and smiles...

5 WEEKS! That is an achievement, I am soo proud of you all!
I miss you all already, Big Booty to all and Our Duties and the Pledge.
Roo xxx

Phil said...

Dammit, I wish I could have been there. Post some pictures of the show! And I want to read reviews as well! But in the meantime - have a bit of a break, eh? 5 weeks is utter madness.